Why Save Mother Earth

Earth provides enough satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed.

by Mahatma Gandhi

OUR MOTHER EARTH is a home for all beings. She is a living thing. She has provided us with food, water, oxygen, and shelter. But since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. We are now abusing it. Mother Earth considered as the source of all its living beings and inanimate things.

Here are some reasons why we need to save our Mother Earth

  • Providing us with Food and Water – We are all blessed because Mother Earth provides us with our daily needs of food and water. We drink and eat in order for us to live. We drink water from the rain, lakes and etc. We eat the fruits and seeds from the trees, plants from our gardens and animals from the woods.
  • Enjoying the Beauty of Nature – We are aso lucky by just seeing a sunrise or sunset in nature. We can enjoy the beautiful beaches that we walk upon and we see the flowers that blooms. We are immersed in the nature that it provides for all the animals that live there.
  • Ecosystem – Within the overall biosphere, or ecosystem, there are smaller ecosystems like the rainforests, marine ecosystems, the desert and the tundra. When any of these systems are off kilter, it impacts the entire planet. All of the environmental problems that exist have far-reaching implications for the health of our planet and its inhabitants.
  • Being able to Breathe Air is one of the important element so that we can live a life. We are blessed because trees that came from our mother earth assist us to give us the oxygen that we breathe.

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